My name is David James Orona. I am currently a senior at Iowa State University with an emphasis in Electrical Engineering and Mathematics (minor).
Coming from the depths of Waterloo, Iowa, I always knew some engineering field would be in my future. After all, Waterloo, home of five John Deere research plants, was constantly a resource in providing job insight and career direction. It drove me to explore the world around, whether from taking apart my dad's stereo system to analyzing the components of my mom's work laptop. Taking this inspiration to the next level, I embarked on a journey at Iowa State University into Mechanical Engineering. It is here I acquired exceptional skills in 3D modeling and design application. However, I always felt the program was not applying my full potential and creativity. It is because of this reason I switched to Electrical Engineering, a field I have always had some interest in but was afraid to "take the leap". Though it might have set me back a few semesters, it is still a decision I am glad to have made to this day. From discovering the realm of basic circuit calculation to designing my own analog/digital devices, such a from-scratch Nintendo-inside-of-a-toaster build to a voltage detecting triple-output-power supply, the major has been a successful and fulfilling decision.
This inspiration continues to flow into other realms as well, including Team 1604's senior design project. In terms of the current implementation of Honeywell LMS file transference into MATLAB, I must admit it is a significant challenge. After all, with only minor utilization of programming languages such as Java and C, working with C++ and its C++ involved environment has required supreme effort on my part to execute a virtually unknown world. However, because of the dedication and involvement abilities I have picked up in my time as a EE and ME here at Iowa State, I have been able to persevere along with my team members. We have observed and edited code that only a semester ago was completely unfamiliar. We have also put forth extreme efforts into our design documents and project plans to provide the best quality effort the team can manage. Overall, it is because of this dedication the individual members, including myself, will flourish in both our final output for the advising committee and, in a more macroscopic perspective, our future fields.
Email: Contact Number: (319) 529 - 8647 Address: 229 South 5th Street #19 Ames, IA 50010