My name is Yeap Seng Jonathan Yeoh; people call me Jon. I'm an international student and I'm from Malaysia. My major is Electrical Engineering; I would like to pursue and get involve in the Analog VLSI Circuit Design for my future career. I feel designing a good data converter is not easy and create a data converter that would be able to contribute the technology advancement is challenging; however, that wouldn't stop me from striving to improve the current technology by designing a good chip and I'm going to design as if the world's technology is waiting for me to improve them! At the same time, I'm taking Control System courses also as I'm interested in how the machinery system surrounding us actually works and how to improve them in term of efficiency and the stability.
I'm aware that this project is C++ programming-based and MATLAB MEX. Even though I have only taken EE285 class which is a simple C-programming course but I believed that this project is this doable for us because we all are ready learn C++ programming and also implementing them in this project. I'm excited to learn C++ programming and MATLAB MEX because I believed that these knowledge will be a plus to my technical skills and future careers. Nevertheless, knowing them will make us extraordinary as a Electrical Engineer too.